SIPP for non-UK residents

A SIPP is a self invested personal pension which is a type of UK pension plan that can allow you much greater control of your pension and increased flexibility in retirement than a typical company or personal pension plan.

If you’re a non-UK resident, it can be difficult to keep track of the pensions that you have in the UK, especially if you have multiple pensions from different employers. Transferring your pension(s) into a SIPP is an easy way to stay in control of your pension.

MyExpatSIPP is a flexible, online pension plan has been designed especially for expats and non-UK residents which enables you to stay in control of your UK pension without having to use a financial adviser.

➤ Why transfer your pension to MyExpatSIPP

Can a non-UK resident open a SIPP?

Many SIPP providers will not accept applications from non-UK residents. However, MyExpatSIPP is one of a small number of providers who will happily accept applications from expats and non-UK residents. In fact, our SIPP is designed especially for non-UK residents and our support team are on hand to guide you through your options as a non-UK resident.

You are able to transfer existing pensions into a SIPP and is not dependent on where you are resident. As a SIPP is a UK registered pension scheme, it will be subject to UK pension rules.

Transferring a UK pension to a SIPP

Once you set up your new SIPP, you will be able to transfer your existing pensions and is especially useful to combine multiple pensions into one easy to manage pension plan.

You will be able to choose you own investment strategy to match your risk profile, and once you reach age 55, you will be in control of how and when you take withdrawals from your SIPP.

Transferring an existing pension into a SIPP is usually very easy and no longer requires reams of paperwork or expensive financial advice fees. You only need to consult a financial adviser if you’re transferring a pension that has some form of guarantee, like a final salary pension.

➤ Final Salary pensions – do I need Financial Advice for my UK Pension?

SIPP Investments

One feature of a SIPP that is different to standard personal pensions is that you can invest in a much wider range of investments which includes thousands of Funds, ETFs and Investment Trusts from leading investment managers such as Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock, Invesco and many more.

MyExpatSIPP provides an online account for your SIPP where you can switch investments and track the performance of your portfolio. If you’re not confident with selecting your portfolio of investments, you can choose one of our ready-made portfolios

Contributing to a SIPP

A non-UK resident will still be able to obtain tax relief on any contributions to their SIPP if they are classed as a relevant UK individual. Broadly speaking, a relevant UK individual is someone who is:

  • chargeable to UK tax, or
  • resident in the UK, or
  • who were resident in the UK in one of the previous five tax years and, at the time they were resident, became members of a UK registered pension scheme, or
  • who are a Crown Servant, or a spouse of a Crown Servant and have earnings that are subject to UK tax.

The amount of tax relief will be limited to £3,600 or 100% of their UK relevant earnings. UK relevant earnings are:

  • employment income
  • self-employed income
  • income from patents
  • earnings from overseas crown employment
  • NOT rental income from property

You can find out more about the rules for Relevant UK Individuals here.

An overseas employer could contribute to an employee’s SIPP regardless of the employee’s tax status.

Making withdrawals from a SIPP

Withdrawals from your SIPP will normally be taxed in the UK. However, if your country of residence has a double taxation treaty with the UK, then in most instances the agreement allows your withdrawals to be paid without deduction of UK taxes.

If you are looking to take control of your UK pensions, MyExpatSIPP is designed especially for Expats and non-UK residents. It only takes a few minutes to complete the online application and usually there’s no paperwork to complete to transfer your pensions.

When you want to start making withdrawals, our support team can guide you through your options and we’ll even pay your withdrawals directly into your local (non-UK) bank account, something most UK pension providers won’t do.

Get in touch to discus transferring your pensions.

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SIPP value

From £35,000
From £50,000


Full flexi-access drawdown

Payments to overseas bank accounts in over 40 currencies

Full flexi-access drawdown

Payments to overseas bank accounts in over 40 currencies


Multi currency investments and cash

ETFs & Investment Trusts

Unit Trusts and OEICs (Mutual Funds)

Annual charge



0.30% on full balance

Full charges schedule



0.35% on balances up to £1m

0.20% on balances over £1m

Full charges schedule

Select the appropriate SIPP